Group News

Foremost EMP attracts new suppliers with improved ladies’ retail solution






Foremost has announced partnerships with two specialist ladies’ clothing brands, as the new suppliers look to take full advantage of the developments in Foremost’s Elite Marketing Programme (EMP).

Following the impressive growth of the women’s game at grass roots levels through new participation initiatives such as Women and Girls’ Golf Week, #ThisGirlsGolfs and, it has never been more important for club professionals to deliver a proper retail offering to their female customers.

However, many members have neither the retail space or inventory capacity to offer the best consumer proposition to ladies in-store.

Therefore, Foremost has developed a simple optional solution for its group member professionals, which enables them to direct their female customers to the Foremost members e-commerce support solution.

The click and collect in-store business model has facilitated a growth in ladies’ apparel sales for many Foremost members as professionals enjoy not only incremental sales but the margin return on sales that would have gone elsewhere.

Foremost Managing Director, Andy Martin, said: “This will provide a great solution for Foremost members who now are able to engage their lady customers and provide them with a 21st century retail solution.

“We are delighted that the continual improvements we are making to the programme are helping more member professionals find important new incremental income streams for their businesses.”

The recent addition of increased profiling of the EMP Premium database delivers increased customer targeting, breaking down the database by customer type, gender and ability, in turn allowing members to communicate directly to female golfers with tailored messaging.

The response from ladies across the group members cumulative database has been overwhelming, with 15% of customers that have completed it to date being women. 35% of readers have already completed their mini profile.

Swing Out Sister Golf Owner, Lucy Dickman, praised the EMP programme when commenting on the new partnership: “Our British based brand was launched to specifically support the 'green grass’ professional and we know Foremost do an outstanding job of this. 

“We believe Foremost's innovative EMP Ladies retail solution will enhance our opportunity to communicate with members and their customers. We want professionals to see the value that ladies golf fashion retail can bring to a business if supported appropriately and we think our involvement with Foremost will enable us to do this.”

Another addition to the programme is Daily Sports Golf which provides athletic and golf clothing to women, far removed from other conservative options on the market.

Jason Smith, Trade Director at Daily Sports, said: “We are delighted to have become a ladies’ specialist EMP supplier for Spring 2019. We believe that Daily Sports offers members a long-established brand that ladies love. With its distinctly Daily design and renowned quality Daily offers a range that will make a statement in your pro shop that will sell through.”

For more information on Foremost, visit, follow @ForemostGolf

If you are interested in joining Foremost, please contact Leanne Spence on 01753 218 891 or email

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